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Enlightened By A Course In Miracles



As a human person, everyone has gone to the darkest of their inner self. Back there, it is sad and lonely, there is anger and depression. Many struggled to get out of it and go back to the light and some have succeeded whilst others did not. But enlightenment can bring one back from the dark in to the light. And once out, he would never want to go back.

Human beings all have darkness within themselves. There is always that struggle between the light and the dark, the good and the bad. Most of the time, people lose themselves in the dark. And when they're there, the struggle for light becomes heavier. But A Course In Miracles can help save people and snatch them from darkness into enlightenment.

Every soul is always in search for the truth and the true meaning of life. At some point in our lives, we all have feelings of being lost, and wanting to find our spot in the world and wanting to somehow feel we that have a purpose in this world. In our quest to find answers, we sometimes lose track of ourselves and find ourselves in a place where it is difficult to go back where we started. A Course In Miracle (ACIM) can help a person make his/her way out.

ACIM takes the seeker to a journey of unraveling secrets, a journey to the truth. The process of enlightenment does not just happen with just a snap of a finger. It is a journey, it also entails certain mindsets. During this process, mindsets are broken and are changed. From a mindset of darkness and gloom, to a mindset of light and joy.

There is more to the journey than just finding joy, however. It's leaving what we have gotten used to and opening our doors to a new kind of truth. It's about turning away 100% from the darkness of our life to the light and really following the light and continuing towards the end. It's about leaving behind feelings of brokenness and straining on towards the joy and eternal purpose set before us. As summation, it's about finding our purpose.

To find one's purpose creates a big impact to one's life and to the people around them because the light radiates through you and to the people. It's like a city on a hill that cannot be hidden. And it can only be found in the truth. And the truth is Jesus/Yeshua. And this is what ACIM teaches and reveals.

A Course In Miracles helps people live the life that each of us should be living. We are all meant to live our lives well despite its twists and turns, despite the pain we experience that can make us go black again. But life's unfriendly ways towards man is not excuse for us to go lost again. Rather, it's a challenge for the enlightened ones to continue pressing on and make it to the finish line. Enlightenment is not about finding the truth but finishing with it.

To learn more about sprituality, A Course In Miracles and details about ACIM please visit craigvillarrubia.com


  • Author (ผู้แต่ง) : Christopher Granger
  • Category (หมวด) : Self Help
  • Keywords (คำค้นหา) : light radiates, light becomes heavier, light becomes,
  • Posted (วันที่) : December 3, 2012 (12:04:37)
  • Viewer (จำนวนผู้ชม) : 6,142
THAIWARE Dharma | กลับสู่หน้าแรก ไทยแวร์ธรรมะ